5 Ways Herbs Can Benefit Your Health

Written by: 
Brittney Dear
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Who doesn’t love the taste of fresh herbs? Well, you’re about to love them even more!

Dried and fresh herbs can spruce up the flavor of any dish without incorporating additional sugars, salts or fats. A dash of rosemary here or a touch of cilantro there can make a world of difference.

Beyond their lively, aromatic flavors, did you know that herbs are also packed with incredible health benefits, including potential for improved cardiovascular health, elevated mood, and anti-inflammatory properties?

Here are 5 amazing benefits of herbs.

1. Herbs can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health

While not all cholesterol is dangerous, too much low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, may increase your risk of heart disease. Herbs like garlic, fenugreek, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, sage, oregano, thyme and lemongrass are known to help lower cholesterol thanks to their rich antioxidant content. Meanwhile, fenugreek can help decrease blood cholesterol levels, and turmeric has the potential to protect against cardiovascular disease by boosting serum lipid (healthy cholesterol) levels.

An additional tip for lowering cholesterol: rather than adding too much salt to your food, which can contribute to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease, consider opting for natural, flavorful herbs and spices. Americans on average consume more sodium than necessary, so herbs are a fantastic substitute to help keep your overall intake low.

If you’re still craving that salty element in your food, try using garlic powder, ginger, dill, onion or basil in place of table salt.

2. Herbs help control blood sugar and insulin activity

A recent literature review by Frontiers in Pharmacology indicated that certain herbs and their active compounds can naturally improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood glucose, improve blood lipid metabolism, lower blood pressure, and more.

Fenugreek, turmeric, ginger and garlic are all potential options that may help improve insulin activity. Fenugreek and garlic, for instance, work to increase insulin sensitivity through their antioxidant properties.

According to Healthline, turmeric “seems to increase insulin sensitivity by reducing free fatty acids and sugar in the blood.” And ginger, through “its active component gingerol, makes sugar receptors on muscle cells more available, increasing sugar uptake.”  

3. Herbs are widely used to improve digestion

Experiencing a stomachache? Treat yourself to a warm cup of ginger, turmeric, or mint tea to soothe digestion. This is best consumed following a meal.

You can also use herbs like caraway, cinnamon, garlic, rosemary, dill and fennel in your cooking to manage digestive issues. Their benefits include reducing bloat, expelling gas and aiding with nausea.

4. Herbs serve as a natural anti-inflammatory

Herbs may even play a role in reducing inflammation in the body. In response to an infection or injury, the body responds by swelling, or inflaming. Eating ultra-processed foods that are fried and/or packed with chemicals and sugar, for instance, can affect the immune system and may eventually lead to chronic issues. The intention is to heal and protect the body, but too much harmful inflammation can increase the risk of heart disease, chronic inflammation, and may worsen symptoms of arthritis.

Cloves, cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon all have anti-inflammatory properties. Some research has found that they may help ease swelling, including arthritis symptoms.

For centuries, turmeric has been used to treat wounds, infections, and illness thanks to its compound, curcumin. Ginger is often used to care for cramps and infections as a traditional medicine. Garlic has been demonstrated to help alleviate symptoms of arthritis. And cinnamon, cayenne and cloves may help reduce swelling when sprinkled into recipes.

5. Herbs can boost mental health

Warm tea has soothing properties by itself, but the soft herbs that make up the drink, like chamomile, saffron, ginseng and lavender, can elevate overall mood and improve mental health. With anxiety-relieving and antidepressant qualities, these herbs can be consumed to help elevate your spirits on a rainy day or to ease your mind before bed.

These ingredients, though primarily added to spice up dishes, may also play a role in reducing inflammation, improving mood, easing digestive issues, and possibly even combatting heart disease.

Next time you’re cooking, consider using herbs you haven’t tried before or have fun experimenting with various flavors and combinations in teas and meals. (Pro tip: Dried herbs and fresh herbs offer the same health benefits! When cooking a meal, add dried herbs during the process and add fresh herbs in the last 10 minutes or less, so as to not overpower the dish with their flavor.)

Herbs can even provide a fresh garnish to frozen or pre-prepared meals. Roots Food Group ready-to-heat Medically Tailored Meal recipes contain a variety of herbs and spices, but adding a sprig of fresh basil or dill adds a new level of deliciousness!

When it comes to herbs, a little can go a long way for both taste and overall health and wellness.

These ingredients, though primarily added to spice up dishes, may also play a role in reducing inflammation, improving mood, easing digestive issues, and possibly even combatting heart disease.

Next time you’re cooking, consider using herbs you haven’t tried before or have fun experimenting with various flavors and combinations in teas and meals. (Pro tip: Dried herbs and fresh herbs offer the same health benefits! When cooking a meal, add dried herbs during the process and add fresh herbs in the last 10 minutes or less, so as to not overpower the dish with their flavor.)

Herbs can even provide a fresh garnish to frozen or pre-prepared meals. Roots Food Group ready-to-heat Medically Tailored Meal recipes contain a variety of herbs and spices, but adding a sprig of fresh basil or dill adds a new level of deliciousness!

When it comes to herbs, a little can go a long way for both taste and overall health and wellness.

Fresh, Delicious & Healthy!
At Roots Food Group, we prioritize flavor, and freshness more than our competitors. Each bite into our meals is sure to be healthy, and delicious. Ask your doctor about medically tailored meals today, and let Roots Food Group support your health needs!